I spend my days trolling the internet to make funny comments that no one else finds funny but me. I do come across a lot of posts about Condominium Rental in Bangkok, common questions such as:

How do I find an condo in Bangkok?
What is the best website to use for Condominium Rental in Bangkok?
Where do I look?
What are the opening times of Dr Bjs and do you recommend any ladies?

Don’t worry, I am here to help, before we go any further I have posted reviews of low budget Condominium Rental in Bangkok where I have stayed, you can see my write up, here and here.


The only websites I would recommend is Thailand Criagslist, there are always condominiums on here for rent, short and long. It’s free to use and is updated daily with new rooms. Kobayshi is another website which is good to use, although slightly out-dated.

Many other websites exist in finding Condominium Rentals in Bangkok, but they tend to be out of date and prices sometimes inflated.

Bangkok City

Walking around Bangkok

Walking about Bangkok is usually the best way in finding a good Bangkok Condominium Rental. I recommend going to Nana or Cowboy the night before and picking up a hot sexy isan chick to help you translate when walking into apartments the following morning. Most of the people working in these condominiums speak next to no English, Samchai or Nok might even add a few thousand baht onto the listing when they see your white mug walk in through the doors.

When I first went walking up and down various Sois alone, It was really hard for me to get to view rooms, they would just stare at me, you would think its obvious when I point to my eye and then say “loom”, “I want to see (points to eye again) loom”. But one should never underestimate the locals know about the places so close to them. Sois in the busy areas of where you will have several Bangkok Condominium Rental Complexes down each soi.

Finding an real estate agent to show you apartments

This is another option to get good Condominium Rentals in Bangkok, however you will need to be looking for places in the price range of 15,000 baht and higher usually, as they take a commission percentage of your first months rent. If your looking at budget rentals, then you best join Thai friendly and get Nok as a free guide, just offer to pay for her lunch of som tam and sticky rice, they won’t ever say no.

Word of Mouth

If you have friends in Bangkok it is always worth while to ask them where they have previously stayed, as you can get better information on things like the internet, service, saftey and all other things that you won’t really be able to know about an apartment by just viewing it once or twice. Most of the condominiums I stayed in Bangkok were from this method.

General tips

Although not always true, if you’re looking for Bangkok Condominium Rentals in the more affluent areas, with modern buildings, you will usually have to sign a 6-12 month contract.

The average deposit is either 1 or 2 times the price of the monthly rent.

The cost per unit of Electricity 4-8 Baht, and the use of water is usually 18-30 Baht.

If there is a place to do your laundry outside, don’t leave your clothes out for too long, me and a friend have had clothes and bed sheets stolen.

Ask people within the building how they find living here,I think it’s best to ask farang’s as Thai people will just say “jes jes very good kap”, or just smile and nod because they have no idea what you’re saying.

If you’re willing to commit long term, you should try and negotiate for a a cheaper price. You won’t have any luck on haggling for condominiums on a month to month basis.

Having a water machine on site is very handy, especially when you come home from Spicy at 6am and realise you have no water left.